Review articles, case studies, and peer reviewed research studies demonstrating the efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for a wide range of conditions.
General Efficacy, Mechanisms and Outcomes
Stephen R. Thom, Veena M. Bhopale, Omaida C. Velazquez, Lee J. Goldstein, Lynne H. Thom and Donald G. Buerk. 2006. Stem cell mobilization by hyperbaric oxygen. American Journal of Physiology. Volume 290 Issue 4 April 2006: Pages H1378-H1386.
Goldman RJ. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for wound healing and limb salvage: a systematic review. PM & R The Journal of Injury, Function and Rehabilitation. 2009 May. 1(5):471-89.
Sports Injuries
African Journal for Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) November 2015 (Supplement 1), pp. 29-39. The effect of hyperbaric oxygen and blood platelet injection therapy on the healing of hamstring injuries in rugby players: A Case series report. D.M. BOTHA1, Y.COOPOO1, M.K. BOTHA2, R. COLLINS3, E. LYNCH1 AND R.L. VAN NIEKERK4
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Can Improve Post Concussion Syndrome Years after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury – Randomized Prospective Trial. Rahav Boussi-Gross1., Haim Golan3,4., Gregori Fishlev1, Yair Bechor1, Olga Volkov3,4, Jacob Bergan1, Mony Friedman1, Dan Hoofien6,7, Nathan Shlamkovitch8, Eshel Ben-Jacob2,5,9,10*, Shai Efrati1,2,3,10*
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy improves symptoms, brain’s microstructure and functionality in veterans with treatment resistant post-traumatic stress disorder: A prospective, randomized, controlled trial. Keren Doenyas-BarakID1,2*, Merav Catalogna1, Ilan Kutz1, Gabriela Levi1, Amir HadannyID1,2, Sigal Tal2,3, Shir Daphna-Tekoha4,5,6, Efrat Sasson1, Yarden Shechter1, Shai Efrati1,2,7
Effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on chronic neurocognitive deficits of post traumatic brain injury patients: retrospective analysis. Amir Hadanny,1,2,3,4 Stefanie Abbott,2 Gil Suzin,2 Yair Bechor,2 Shai Efrati2,4,5,6
Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on Mitochondrial Respiration and Physical Performance in Middle-Aged Athletes: A Blinded, Randomized Controlled Trial. Amir Hadanny1,2,3*, Yaft Hachmo4, Daniella Rozali1, Merav Catalogna1, Eldad Yaakobi1, Marina Sova4, Hadar Gattegno4, Ramzia Abu Hamed4, Erez Lang1, Nir Polak1, Mony Friedman1, Shachar Finci1, Yonatan Zemel1, Yair Bechor1, Noga Gal5 and Shai Efrati1,2,5,6
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for post concussion symptoms: issues may affect the results. Qin Hu1, Anatol Manaenko1, Zhenni Guo1, Lei Huang1, Jiping Tang1 and John H. Zhang1,2*
Hyperbaric oxygen reduces infammation, oxygenates injured muscle, and regenerates skeletal muscle via macrophage and satellite cell activation. Takuya Oyaizu1,2, Mitsuhiro Enomoto2,3, Naoki Yamamoto1,2, Kunikazu Tsuji4, Masaki Horie2, Takeshi Muneta5, Ichiro Sekiya6, Atsushi Okawa1 & Kazuyoshi Yagishita2,3
The Role of Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment for COVID-19: A Review. Matteo Paganini, Gerardo Bosco, Filippo A. G. Perozzo, Eva Kohlscheen, Regina Sonda, Franco Bassetto, Giacomo Garetto, Enrico M. Camporesi, and Stephen R. Thom
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Can Induce Angiogenesis and Regeneration of Nerve Fibers in Traumatic Brain Injury Patients. Sigal Tal1, 2†, Amir Hadanny1, 3, 4*†, Efrat Sasson5, Gil Suzin3 and Shai Efrati1, 3, 6, 7*
Bayoumy, A.B. & de Ru, J.A. The use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in acute hearing loss: a narrative review. European Archives of Otorhinolaryngoly (2019) 276: 1859.
Wang Y, Gao Y, Wang B, Chen L and Zhang X. Efficacy and Prognostic Factors of Combined Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Patients With Idiopathic Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss. American Journal of Audiology. 2019 Mar 15; 28(1):95-100.
İsa Kaya, Baha Sezgin, Sevinç Eraslan, Kerem Öztürk, Sercan Göde, Cem Bilgen, and Tayfun Kirazlı. Malignant Otitis Externa: A Retrospective Analysis and Treatment Outcomes. Turkish Archives of Otorhinolarynology. 2018 Jun; 56(2): 106–110.
Fattori B1, De Iaco G, Nacci A, Casani A and Ursino F. Alternobaric oxygen therapy in long-term treatment of Ménière’s disease. Journal of the Undersea & Hyperbaric Medicine Society. 2002 Winter; 29(4):260-70.
Cardiology & Vascular
Goyal A, Chonis T, Cooper JS. Hyperbaric Cardiovascular Effects. [Updated 2019 Jul 12]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2019 Jan.
Stavitsky Y, Shandling AH, Ellestad MH, Hart GB, Van Natta B, Messenger JC, Strauss M, Dekleva MN, Alexander JM, Mattice M and Clarke D. Hyperbaric oxygen and thrombolysis in myocardial infarction: the ‘HOT MI’ randomized multicenter study. Cardiology. 1998 Oct; 90(2):131-6.
Michael H Bennett, Jan P Lehm and Nigel Jepson. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for acute coronary syndrome. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Version published: 23 July 2015.
Katrien T.B. Santema, Robert M. Stoekenbroek, Mark J.W. Koelemay, Jim A. Reekers, Laura M.C. van Dortmont, Arno Oomen, Luuk Smeets, Jan J. Wever, Dink A. Legemate, Dirk T. Ubbink Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in the Treatment of Ischemic Lower- Extremity Ulcers in Patients With Diabetes: Results of the DAMO2CLES Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial. Diabetes Care Jan 2018, 41 (1) 112-119.
A Abidia, G Laden, G.Kuhan, B F Johnson, A R Wilkinson, P M Renwick, E A Masson, P T McCollum. The role of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in ischaemic diabetic lower extremity ulcers: A double-blind randomised-controlled trial. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Volume 25, Issue 6, June 2003, Pages 513-518.
Natalija Spasojević and Predrag Brkić. Effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on peripheral vascular diseases. Medicinski podmladak. 68. 27-31.
Efrati, S., Fishlev, G., Bechor, Y., Volkov, O., Bergan, J., Kliakhandler, K., Kamiager, I., Gal, N., Friedman, M., Ben-Jacob, E., & Golan, H. (2013). Hyperbaric oxygen induces late neuroplasticity in post stroke patients–randomized, prospective trial. PloS one, 8(1), e53716.
Kudchodkar, B. J., Wilson, J., Lacko, A., & Dory, L. (2000). Hyperbaric oxygen reduces the progression and accelerates the regression of atherosclerosis in rabbits. Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology, 20(6), 1637–1643.
Karadurmuş, N., Şahin, M., Taşcı, C., Naharci, I., Ozturk, C., Ilbasmis, S., Dulkadir, Z., Şen, A., & Sağlam, K. (2010). Potential benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on atherosclerosis and glycaemic control in patients with diabetic foot. Endokrynologia Polska, 61 3, 275-9 .
Chronic Fatigue
Corklin R. Steinhart, Ivan Montoya, Donna A. Jacobsen, Pippa S. Steinhart, Mary Stein-Ferrer, and Marc R. Kaiser. The Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygenation (HBO) on HIV-Associated Chronic Fatigue and Peripheral Neuropathy. Alternative and Complementary Therapies. Jul 1996. Vol 2 Issue 4: Feb 3, 2009.
Reillo MR. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for the treatment of debilitating fatigue associated with HIV/AIDS. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care. 1993 Jul-Sep;4(3):33-8.
Akarsu, S., Tekin, L., Ay, H., Carli, A. B., Tok, F., Simşek, K., & Kiralp, M. Z. (2013). The efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the management of chronic fatigue syndrome. Undersea & hyperbaric medicine: journal of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society, Inc, 40(2), 197–200.
Illness and Infections
Tan, TW., Crocker, R.M., Palmer, K.N.B. et al. A qualitative study of barriers to care-seeking for diabetic foot ulceration across multiple levels of the healthcare system. J Foot Ankle Res 15, 56 (2022).
Sutherland BL, Pecanac K, Bartels CM, Brennan MB. Expect delays: poor connections between rural and urban health systems challenge multidisciplinary care for rural Americans with diabetic foot ulcers. J Foot Ankle Res. 2020 Jun 16;13(1):32. doi: 10.1186/s13047-020-00395-y. PMID: 32513221; PMCID: PMC7278184.
Sison-Martinez J, Cooper JS. Hyperbaric Treatment Of Clostridial Myositis And Myonecrosis. [Updated 2019 Jun 4]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2019 Jan.
Hanley ME, Cooper JS. Chronic Refractory Osteomyelitis. [Updated 2019 May 12]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2019 Jan.
Allison GM, Berenson M, McCabe S, Dileo F, Poole M, Fares M, Watson K, Shernoff C, Turkette M, Serrano A and Iafrati M. Chronic Refractory Osteomyelitis Treated with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. Annals of Orthopaedics, Trauma and Rehabilitation. 2018; 1(3):125.
Wilkinson D, Doolette D. Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment and Survival From Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infection. Arch Surg. 2004;139(12):1339–1345.
Goerger E, Honnorat E, Savini H, et al. Anti-infective therapy without antimicrobials: Apparent successful treatment of multidrug resistant osteomyelitis with hyperbaric oxygen therapy. IDCases. 2016;6:60–64. Published 2016 Sep 28.
Feitosa, M. R., Féres Filho, O., Tamaki, C. M., Perazzoli, C., Bernardes, M. V., Parra, R. S., Rocha, J. J., & Féres, O. (2016). Adjunctive Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy promotes successful healing in patients with refractory Crohn’s disease. Acta cirurgica brasileira, 31 Suppl 1, 19–23.
Dulai, P. S., Gleeson, M. W., Taylor, D., Holubar, S. D., Buckey, J. C., & Siegel, C. A. (2014). Systematic review: The safety and efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for inflammatory bowel disease. Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics, 39(11), 1266–1275.
Noyer, C. M., & Brandt, L. J. (1999). Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for perineal Crohn’s disease. The American journal of gastroenterology, 94(2), 318–321.
Rossignol D. A. (2012). Hyperbaric oxygen treatment for inflammatory bowel disease: a systematic review and analysis. Medical gas research, 2(1), 6.
Bekheit, M., Baddour, N., Katri, K., Taher, Y., El Tobgy, K., & Mousa, E. (2016). Hyperbaric oxygen therapy stimulates colonic stem cells and induces mucosal healing in patients with refractory ulcerative colitis: a prospective case series. BMJ open gastroenterology, 3(1), e000082.
Chan, X. H., Koh, C. E., Glover, M., Bryson, P., Travis, S. P., & Mortensen, N. J. (2014). Healing under pressure: hyperbaric oxygen and myocutaneous flap repair for extreme persistent perineal sinus after proctectomy for inflammatory bowel disease. Colorectal disease : the official journal of the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland, 16(3), 186–190.
Cuthbertson, C. M., Su, K. H., Muralidharan, V., Millar, I., Malcontenti-Wilson, C., & Christophi, C. (2008). Hyperbaric oxygen improves capillary morphology in severe acute pancreatitis. Pancreas, 36(1), 70–75.
Uysal, B., Yasar, M., Ersoz, N., Coskun, O., Kilic, A., Cayc, T., Kurt, B., Oter, S., Korkmaz, A., & Guven, A. (2010). Efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and medical ozone therapy in experimental acute necrotizing pancreatitis. Pancreas, 39(1), 9–15.
Liu, W., Zhao, W., Lu, X., Zheng, X., & Luo, C. (2002). Clinical pathological study of treatment of chronic hepatitis with hyperbaric oxygenation. Chinese medical journal, 115(8), 1153–1157.
van Ophoven, A., Rossbach, G., Pajonk, F., & Hertle, L. (2006). Safety and efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for the treatment of interstitial cystitis: a randomized, sham controlled, double-blind trial. The Journal of urology, 176(4 Pt 1), 1442–1446.
van Ophoven, A., Rossbach, G., Oberpenning, F., & Hertle, L. (2004). Hyperbaric oxygen for the treatment of interstitial cystitis: long-term results of a prospective pilot study. European urology, 46(1), 108–113.
Chen, C. E., Ko, J. Y., Fong, C. Y., & Juhn, R. J. (2010). Treatment of diabetic foot infection with hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Foot and ankle surgery : official journal of the European Society of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, 16(2), 91–95.
Immune and Inflammatory Disorders
Hadanny, A., Bechor, Y., Catalogna, M., Daphna-Tekoah, S., Sigal, T., Cohenpour, M., Lev-Wiesel, R., & Efrati, S. (2018). Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Can Induce Neuroplasticity and Significant Clinical Improvement in Patients Suffering From Fibromyalgia With a History of Childhood Sexual Abuse-Randomized Controlled Trial. Frontiers in psychology, 9, 2495.
Atzeni F, Casale R, Alciati A, Masala IF, Batticciotto A, Talotta R, Gerardi MC, Salaffi F, Sarzi-Puttini P. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment of fibromyalgia: a prospective observational clinical study. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2019 Jan-Feb;37 Suppl 116(1):63-69. Epub 2019 Feb 6.
Efrati S, Golan H, Bechor Y, Faran Y, Daphna-Tekoah S, Sekler G, Fishlev G, Ablin JN, Bergan J, Volkov O, Friedman M, Ben-Jacob E, Buskila D. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can diminish fibromyalgia syndrome–prospective clinical trial. PLoS One. 2015 May 26;10(5):e0127012. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0127012. eCollection 2015.
El-Shewy, K. M., Kunbaz, A., Gad, M. M., Al-Husseini, M. J., Saad, A. M., Sammour, Y. M., & Abdel-Daim, M. M. (2019). Hyperbaric oxygen and aerobic exercise in the long-term treatment of fibromyalgia: A narrative review. Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy = Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie, 109, 629–638.
Slade, J. B., Potts, M. V., Flower, A. M., Sky, K. M., Sit, M. T., & Schmidt, T. W. (2016). Pain improvement in rheumatoid arthritis with hyperbaric oxygen: report of three cases. Undersea & hyperbaric medicine : Journal of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society, Inc, 43(4), 467–472.
Clinical Trial: The Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen on Rheumatoid Arthritis
Wallace, D. J., Silverman, S., Goldstein, J., & Hughes, D. (1995). Use of hyperbaric oxygen in rheumatic diseases: case report and critical analysis. Lupus, 4(3), 172–175.
Li, H. K., Dejean, B. J., & Tang, R. A. (1996). Reversal of visual loss with hyperbaric oxygen treatment in a patient with Susac syndrome. Ophthalmology, 103(12), 2091–2098.
Patel, N. P., & Huang, J. H. (2017). Hyperbaric oxygen therapy of spinal cord injury. Medical gas research, 7(2), 133–143.
Zhou, Y., Dong, Q., Pan, Z., Song, Y., Su, P., Niu, Y., Sun, Y., & Liu, D. (2019). Hyperbaric Oxygen Improves Functional Recovery of the Injured Spinal Cord by Inhibiting Inflammation and Glial Scar Formation. American journal of physical medicine & rehabilitation, 98(10), 914–920.
Sun, L., Zhao, L., Li, P., Liu, X., Liang, F., Jiang, Y., Kang, N., Gao, C., & Yang, J. (2019). Effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on HMGB1/NF-κB expression and prognosis of acute spinal cord injury: A randomized clinical trial. Neuroscience letters, 692, 47–52.
Barata, P., Cervaens, M., Resende, R., Camacho, O., & Marques, F. (2011). Hyperbaric oxygen effects on sports injuries. Therapeutic advances in musculoskeletal disease. 3(2), 111–121.
Babul, S., & Rhodes, E. C. (2000). The role of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in sports medicine. Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 30(6), 395–403.
Kanhai, A., & Losito, J. M. (2003). Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for lower-extremity soft-tissue sports injuries. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, 93(4), 298–306.
Ishii, Y., Deie, M., Adachi, N., Yasunaga, Y., Sharman, P., Miyanaga, Y., & Ochi, M. (2005). Hyperbaric oxygen as an adjuvant for athletes. Sports medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 35(9), 739–746.
Chiang, I. H., Tzeng, Y. S., & Chang, S. C. (2017). Is hyperbaric oxygen therapy indispensable for saving mutilated hand injuries? International wound journal, 14(6), 929–936.
Neurological Illness & Injury
Figueroa XA, Wright JK. Clinical results in brain injury trials using HBO2 therapy: Another perspective. Undersea Hyperb Med. 2015;42(4):333-351.
Hart BB, Weaver LK, Gupta A, et al. Hyperbaric oxygen for mTBI-associated PCS and PTSD: Pooled analysis of results from Department of Defense and other published studies. Undersea Hyperb Med. 2019;46(3):353-383.
Weaver LK, Cifu D, Hart B, Wolf G, Miller S. Hyperbaric oxygen for post-concussion syndrome: design of Department of Defense clinical trials. Undersea Hyperb Med. 2012;39(4):807-814.
Weaver LK, Churchill S, Wilson SH, Hebert D, Deru K, Lindblad AS. A composite outcome for mild traumatic brain injury in trials of hyperbaric oxygen. Undersea Hyperb Med. 2019;46(3):341-352.
Liska GM, Lippert T, Russo E, Nieves N, Borlongan CV. A Dual Role for Hyperbaric Oxygen in Stroke Neuroprotection: Preconditioning of the Brain and Stem Cells. Cond Med. 2018;1(4):151-166.
Gonzales-Portillo B, Lippert T, Nguyen H, Lee JY, Borlongan CV. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy: A new look on treating stroke and traumatic brain injury. Brain Circ. 2019;5(3):101-105. Published 2019 Sep 30.
Shytle RD, Eve DJ, Kim SH, Spiegel A, Sanberg PR, Borlongan CV. Retrospective Case Series of Traumatic Brain Injury and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Treated with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. Cell Transplant. 2019;28(7):885-892.
Zhai WW, Sun L, Yu ZQ, Chen G. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in experimental and clinical stroke. Med Gas Res. 2016;6(2):111-118. Published 2016 Jul 11.
Ostrowski RP, Stępień K, Pucko E, Matyja E. The efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen in hemorrhagic stroke: experimental and clinical implications. Arch Med Sci. 2017;13(5):1217-1223.|
Vincenzo Spina, Francesco Tomaiuolo, Lorenzo Celli, Luca Bonfiglio, Luca Cecchetti, and Maria Chiara Carboncini. A Case of Carbon Monoxide-Induced Delayed Neurological Sequelae Successfully Treated with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, N-Acetylcysteine, and Glucocorticoids: Clinical and Neuroimaging Follow-Up. Case Reports in Neurological Medicine, vol. 2019, Article ID 9360542, 7 pages, 2019.
Paul Harch, Edward Fogarty. Subacute normobaric oxygen and hyperbaric oxygen therapy in drowning, reversal of brain volume loss: a case report. Medical Gas Research, 2017; 7 (2): 144
Peterson K, Bourne D, Anderson J, et al. Evidence Brief: Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) for Traumatic Brain Injury and/or Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. 2018 Feb. In: VA Evidence Synthesis Program Evidence Briefs [Internet]. Washington (DC): Department of Veterans Affairs (US); 2011.
BenAri, O., Efrati, S., Sano, M., Bendlin, B. B., Lin, H., Liu, X., Sela, I., Almog, G., Livny, A., Sandler, I., Ben-Haim, S., Sagi, R., LeRoith, D., Schnaider Beeri, M., & Ravona-Springer, R. (2020). A double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial testing the effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on brain and cognitive outcomes of mildly cognitively impaired elderly with type 2 diabetes: Study design. Alzheimer’s & dementia (New York, N. Y.), 6(1), e12008.
You, Q., Li, L., Xiong, S. Q., Yan, Y. F., Li, D., Yan, N. N., Chen, H. P., & Liu, Y. P. (2019). Meta-Analysis on the Efficacy and Safety of Hyperbaric Oxygen as Adjunctive Therapy for Vascular Dementia. Frontiers in aging neuroscience, 11, 86.
Boussi-Gross, R., Golan, H., Fishlev, G., Bechor, Y., Volkov, O., Bergan, J., Friedman, M., Hoofien, D., Shlamkovitch, N., Ben-Jacob, E., & Efrati, S. (2013). Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can improve post concussion syndrome years after mild traumatic brain injury – randomized prospective trial. PloS one, 8(11), e79995.
Mozayeni, B. R., Duncan, W., Zant, E., Love, T. L., Beckman, R. L., & Stoller, K. P. (2019). The National Brain Injury Rescue and Rehabilitation Study – a multicenter observational study of hyperbaric oxygen for mild traumatic brain injury with post-concussive symptoms. Medical gas research, 9(1), 1–12.
Harch, P. G., & Fogarty, E. F. (2019). Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for Alzheimer’s dementia with positron emission tomography imaging: a case report. Medical gas research, 8(4), 181–184.
Bennett, M. H., French, C., Schnabel, A., Wasiak, J., Kranke, P., & Weibel, S. (2015). Normobaric and hyperbaric oxygen therapy for the treatment and prevention of migraine and cluster headache. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews, (12), CD005219.
Hadanny, A., Rittblat, M., Bitterman, M., May-Raz, I., Suzin, G., Boussi-Gross, R., Zemel, Y., Bechor, Y., Catalogna, M., & Efrati, S. (2020). Hyperbaric oxygen therapy improves neurocognitive functions of post-stroke patients – a retrospective analysis. Restorative neurology and neuroscience, 38(1), 93–107.
Eguiluz-Ordoñez, R., Sánchez, C. E., Venegas, A., Figueroa-Granados, V., & Hernández-Pando, R. (2006). Effects of hyperbaric oxygen on peripheral nerves. Plastic and reconstructive surgery, 118(2), 350–359.
Robert Knobler. The Severity Spectrum in Persistent Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), Palliation with Ongoing Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT), and the Role of Serial Photo-Documentation Neurology Apr 2016, 86 (16 Supplement) P6.271
Kiralp, M. Z., Yildiz, S., Vural, D., Keskin, I., Ay, H., & Dursun, H. (2004). Effectiveness of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the treatment of complex regional pain syndrome. The Journal of international medical research, 32(3), 258–262.
Koren, G., Golan, C., Suzin, G., Berkovich, M., & Efrati, S. (2019). Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on Brain Perfusion, Cognition and Behavior in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder-A Case Study. Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire), 54(2), 177–179.
Oncology (Cancer)
Stępień K, Ostrowski RP, Matyja E. Hyperbaric oxygen as an adjunctive therapy in treatment of malignancies, including brain tumours. Med Oncol. 2016;33(9):101.
Moen I, Stuhr LE. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy and cancer–a review. Target Oncol. 2012;7(4):233–242.
Huang L, Boling W, Zhang JH. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy as adjunctive strategy in treatment of glioblastoma multiforme. Med Gas Res. 2018;8(1):24–28. Published 2018 Apr 18.
Ophthalmology (Eyes, Vision)
Oguz, H., & Sobaci, G. (2008). The use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in ophthalmology. Survey of ophthalmology, 53(2), 112–120.
Sagarika Patyal. Hyperbaric Chamber and Its Ophthalmic Applications. DJO [serial online] 2017;28:43-47.
Weinberger, A. W., Siekmann, U. P., Wolf, S., Rossaint, R., Kirchhof, B., & Schrage, N. F. (2002). Behandlung akuter retinaler Zentralarterienverschlüsse (ZAV) mit der hyperbaren Sauerstofftherapie (HBO). Treatment of Acute Central Retinal Artery Occlusion (CRAO) by Hyperbaric Oxygenation Therapy (HBO)–Pilot study with 21 patients. Klinische Monatsblatter fur Augenheilkunde, 219(10), 728–734.
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de Smet, M. D., Carruthers, J., & Lepawsky, M. (1987). Anterior segment ischemia treated with hyperbaric oxygen. Canadian journal of ophthalmology. Journal canadien d’ophtalmologie, 22(7), 381–383.
Orthopedics (Bones)
Huang KC, Hsu WH, Peng KT, Huang TJ, Hsu RW. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in orthopedic conditions: an evaluation of safety. J Trauma. 2006 Oct; 61(4):913-7.
Barilaro G, Francesco Masala I, Parracchini R, Iesu C, Caddia G, Sarzi-Puttini P, Atzeni F. The Role of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Orthopedics and Rheumatological Diseases. Isr Med Assoc J. 2017 Jul; 19(7):429-434.
Sammarco MC, Simkin J, Cammack AJ, et al. Hyperbaric Oxygen Promotes Proximal Bone Regeneration and Organized Collagen Composition during Digit Regeneration. PLoS One. 2015;10(10):e0140156. Published 2015 Oct 9.
Jure Aljinović, Dinko Pivalica, Ivanka Marinović, Ana Poljičanin, Tonko Vlak, Hrvoje Stipančević, Dušanka Martinović-Kaliterna and Davor Čarić. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy as a Therapy Option in the Early Phase of Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head. International Journal of Physiatry. Case Report, Vol 2 Issue 2.
Vezzani, G., Quartesan, S., Cancellara, P., Camporesi, E., Mangar, D., Bernasek, T., Dalvi, P., Yang, Z., Paoli, A., Rizzato, A., & Bosco, G. (2017). Hyperbaric oxygen therapy modulates serum OPG/RANKL in femoral head necrosis patients. Journal of enzyme inhibition and medicinal chemistry, 32(1), 707–711.
Post Operative (Surgery)
Suehiro, T., Shimura, T., Okamura, K., Okada, T., Okada, K., Hashimoto, S., Mochida, Y., Kuwano, H., Saitoh, S., & Gotoh, F. (2008). The effect of hyperbaric oxygen treatment on postoperative morbidity of left lobe donor in living donor adult liver transplantation. Hepato-gastroenterology, 55(84), 1014–1019.
Mazariegos, G. V., O’Toole, K., Mieles, L. A., Dvorchik, I., Meza, M. P., Briassoulis, G., Arzate, J., Osorio, G., Fung, J. J., & Reyes, J. (1999). Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for hepatic artery thrombosis after liver transplantation in children. Liver transplantation and surgery: official publication of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases and the International Liver Transplantation Society, 5(5), 429–436.
Goldman R. J. (2009). Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for wound healing and limb salvage: a systematic review. PM & R: the journal of injury, function, and rehabilitation, 1(5), 471–489.
Gould, L. J., & May, T. (2016). The Science of Hyperbaric Oxygen for Flaps and Grafts. Surgical technology international, 28, 65–72.
Helmers, R., Milstein, D. M., van Hulst, R. A., & de Lange, J. (2014). Hyperbaric oxygen therapy accelerates vascularization in keratinized oral mucosal surgical flaps. Head & neck, 36(9), 1241–1247.
Bhutani, S., & Vishwanath, G. (2012). Hyperbaric oxygen and wound healing. Indian journal of plastic surgery: official publication of the Association of Plastic Surgeons of India, 45(2), 316–324.
Harl M. J. (2020). Defining the Role of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy as an Adjunct to Reconstructive Surgery. The Surgical clinics of North America, 100(4), 777–785.
Bassetto, F., Bosco, G., Brambullo, T., Kohlscheen, E., Tocco Tussardi, I., Vindigni, V., & Tiengo, C. (2019). Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in Plastic Surgery practice: case series and literature overview. Il Giornale di chirurgia, 40(4), 257–275.