The term "long COVID" describes the presence of symptoms occurring days, weeks, or months after a positive COVID test result. Long COVID affects nearly 20% of people who have otherwise recovered from the illness. Long COVID is a relatively new problem, so there are limited treatments and even fewer options for treating the most common symptom of long COVID: fatigue. As the number of people with long COVID continues to grow, medical practitioners are now looking for the most effective treatments for their patients. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for long COVID could be one of the answers to this puzzle. The symptoms associated with long COVID are varied and include shortness of breath, fatigue, cough, "brain fog," depression, and anxiety. The most prevalent symptoms are fatigue and "brain fog," with 65% of long COVID patients reporting the onset of fatigue that continues long after the original illness, along with a large number also reporting brain fog and other signs of cognitive deficits. In some cases, the patient's fatigue is so severe that it negatively impacts their work performance and other activities. This is a significant problem, as the age group that is typically most affected by long COVID is adults who are actively involved in the workforce. A team of researchers at University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire NHS Trusts conducted a study of ten patients to evaluate the effectiveness of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) for long COVID. The study shows that HBOT has promise for improving fatigue, global cognition, executive function, attention, verbal function, and information processing.